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Help Desk Faculty: Adobe

Adobe Creative Cloud

Adobe Creative Cloud logo

Students, Faculty & Staff using a MCC computer with the latest version of the Adobe Cloud Applications loaded on it can use their EasyLogin Credentials (username & password) to access all CCSNH licensed Adobe Creative CloudApplications

The Adobe Cloud Applications include: Illustrator, Lightroom, Professional, PhotoShop, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Animate, Audition and a few others.

Note: If the computer only has the Adobe PDF Viewer application installed on it, signing in using your EasyLogin credentials will not be required.


MCC students are eligible to receive the Adobe Creative Cloud for Education Licensing which provides a 60% discount from standard Adobe Licensing.

Students taking a class which requires Adobe software have the choice of purchasing a personal education license (see link above) to use on their personal computer OR visit the Library/Learning Commons & use any of the student computers where the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite is available for free. 

The Adobe Creative Cloud Suite is also available in all MCC computer labs which incorporate the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite in their class curriculum..

Simply use your EasyLogin email address ( & password when authenticating.

Common Adobe questions & answers for Students & Teachers can be found at the following links:

Adobe Licensing for Faculty & Staff

MCC Faculty & Staff are eligible to use the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite for free on their personal computer.

Simply visit the Adobe Create Cloud Suite site at

Authenticate using your EasyLogin Credentials ( email address & EasyLogin password) to gain access.

Cat reading paper meme. I SHOULD Learn more about Adobe Illustrator.

Still Having Trouble?

If you have any problems with Adobe Creative Cloud applications, submit an IT Helpdesk ticketcall the Helpdesk at (603) 206-8080 or visit the IT Helpdesk in the HUB (across from the Bursar's counter) or in the Library/Learning Commons.

Adobe SIGN & Adobe DC Training Tools

For all Linked In Training - you will be required to login using your email address and a password which you have setup the first time you access your Linked In License.  This is not your EasyLogin password UNLESS that is the password you used when you setup your account.  If you're forgotten your Linked In password, simply click on Forgot Password link to reset your password and gain access.

Copyright © Manchester Community College | 1066 Front Street, Manchester, NH
Phone: (603) 206-8150