Canvas is the online teaching software used in courses at Manchester Community College. It is used as your online / hybrid course environment. It is also used in many face-to-face classes.
If you have questions about Canvas, contact the Office of Online Learning at (603) 206-8155 or
If you have any problems logging into the Canvas application, submit an IT Helpdesk ticket, call the Helpdesk at (603) 206-8080 or visit the IT Helpdesk in the Library/Learning Commons or in the Hub (across from the Bursar's counter).
Pearson & Revel 24/7 Chat Support
Some software used with Canvas require the use of Pop-Up Windows.
But the standard setting for most internet browsers is with this feature turned off.
Here are some helpful links to help you turn off pop-up blockers or turn them back on - depending upon your need:
Google Chrome -
Microsoft Edge -
Microsoft Internet Explorer -
Mozilla Firefox -
The direct link to Canvas is
The main route to get to your Canvas account without bookmarking the specific URL is to use the Quick Links dropdown menu above, which is found on most every page of the MCC website.
Explore Canvas, and check out the information your instructors have posted for your classes. (Select a course in the "My Courses" box.) Instructors will often keep copies of their syllabus, assignments, and other course documents on Canvas so that you have constant access to classroom content.
Please note that if you receive the message, "You are not currently enrolled in any course," it is either because your course instructor has not made the course available yet, or the instructor has chosen to not utilize Canvas.
The Canvas Student Mobile app is available for download in the Apple App Store and on Google Play.
When finding your school, make sure to enter Community College System of New Hampshire in the search bar.
Canvas is an amazing portal, however, it can be difficult to find what exactly you are looking for, especially for first time users. MCC offers 24/7 Canvas Support to all students and faculty via email or phone.
Student: +1-833-231-3257
Support email:
In addition: you're logged into Canvas, simply click on the Canvas Help button (located in the bottom right corner of your Canvas webpage) for additional Canvas Help Options.
Copyright © Manchester Community College | 1066 Front Street, Manchester, NH
Phone: (603) 206-8150