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Staying Active at Home: Welcome

How do you stay in shape while stuck at home? The MCC Fitness Center has your back. This guide, created by the MCC Library and MCC Fitness Center, is designed to help you find workouts and exercises that you can do from home.

Exercise has numerous benefits. It's not just limited to weight loss or increased muscle mass. It can also improve your mental health and mood

When getting started, it's important to start safe.

  • Before beginning any exercise regime check with your doctor.
  • Set an plan with steps and attainable goals.
  • Stick to a routine. It's easy to keeping going once established.

MCC Wellness & Fitness Center

The Fitness Center's mission is to provide the MCC community with quality programs and opportunities to be fit for life through health promotion and fitness. 

Check out the Fitness Center website for a schedule of classes.

Questions? Contact Jennifer Aube.

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