The resources on this page help you answer the question -- I've built my course using open materials, now what? This can be intimidating for faculty who have limited time, but really, answer depends on what you want to accomplish.
You can often find quizzes, tests, homework, and other materials for OERs in OER Commons, which also has an OpenStax hub where instructors using those OER textbooks can exchange materials and ideas.
If you're using OpenStax, you can also create an instructor account and find test banks, solutions, and other materials (you might need to share a syllabus or ask your department chair to email OpenStax to verify you are an instructor).
If you're having trouble searching for ancillary materials, ask a librarian for help!
If you want to create a digital or print book, there are many options. Popular publishing tools such as iBooks Author, Pressbooks, or even blogging sites like WordPress may be helpful in addition to the resources listed below. You can also use LibGuides, the tool this guide is published in. See an example of an OER in a LibGuide here.
One important consideration is determining whether your OERs are accessible for all students. Here are some resources and things to consider.
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Phone: (603) 206-8150